2 º AO 5º ANO

sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2016

Lista de exercícios para recuperação do 1º semestre - Inglês

CentroEducacional  Gênesis
          6º ANO








1)      Read the text below .

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh-UDBmJP8FxSNfue0gZ9IK2mO0xwoKHeOODvcgXN5sVFLolhC4FjGyQ0R-lWMUAW55gNh4QyUUBV565JtYMPg6SE1wxEPW0viMuWLHywmsgJEhWzMOXdEYDoRmwnJ9cbBAEtjmja-4EcAO/s1600/bal%C3%B5es.jpgHAPPY BIRTHDAY
WHAT TIME ? 7:00

2)      Aswer the question ( Reponda as Questões )
a)      Whose birthday is it ? ____________________________________________
b)      When is the Party ? ______________________________________________
c)       Where is the Party ? _____________________________________________
d)      What time is the Party ? __________________________________________

3)      Put the form short in the Verb to Be  ( Coloque a forma do verbo TO BE)
a)      I am Happy __________________________________________
b)      You are Invited _______________________________________
c)       She is a Teacher ______________________________________
d)      He is fine ___________________________________________
e)      We are students _____________________________________
f)       They are Twins ______________________________________

4)      Rewrite the sentences changing the form of the verb to be ( Long or Short ) ( Reescreva as sentenças colocando na forma abreviado e forma normal do verbo to be
a)      They are fine ________________________________________________
b)      He´s at the Party _____________________________________________
c)       We are friends _______________________________________________
d)      It´s easy ____________________________________________________
e)      I am a Student _______________________________________________
5)      Complete the sentences with the appropriate possessive adjective ( My – your – his – her – its – our – their ) ( Complete as sentenças com o adjetivo possessivos )
a)      Hi! __________________ name is Jane . I´m From Englan.
b)      We are Jack and John ________________ favorite Sport is soccer
c)       Michael and Helen live in Orlando. _______________ house is big and comfortable
d)      Hey, Sue Where is ______________  mother now?
e)      Bob is a cat. ______________  house is in the backyard.
f)       Sarah is Brazilian but _______________  father is German

6)      Que expressões em Inglês podem ser usadas para cumprimentar um colega ?

7)      Como você pergunta o nome de um novo colega em inglês ?  E quais podem ser as respostas a essa pergunta ?
8)      Que expressão você pode usar para dizer que está feliz em conhece –lo ?

9)    (ITA) ________ Pacific and ________ Atlantic are ________ oceans. ________ Alps are ________ mountains, and ________ Amazon is a river.
a)The / … / the/ … /the/ …
b)… / the / … / … / … / the
c)The / the / … / the / … / the
d)The / the / … / … / … / the
e)The / the / the / the / the / the

10) (UNIP) It’s ________ honor to meet ________ young lady from ________ Sweden.
a) a / an / an
b) an / a / a
c) a / an / a
d) an / a / …
e) a / a / a

11) (MACK-SP) - Paul, _____ doctor, was _____ first person in _____ city to swim in _____ Mississipi River on _____ tenth of _____ October, 1970 and in ____ Lake Michigan in _____ 60s.
a) a - the - X - the - X - X - the – X
b) a - the - the - the - the - X - X – the
c) the - the - X - the - the - X - X – the
d) a - X - the - the - the - the - X – the
e) an - the - the - the - the - X - X – the

12) (FAC.DIR.-PR.) Smith, _____ man you met yesterday is _____ honest man.
a) the – the
b) the – an
c) an – the
d) a – a
e) the - a

13) Mark the alternative that complete the sentence correctly:
_______angry boyfriend is ______unpredictable man.
a) A – an
b) The – a
c) An – an
d) An – …
e)… – the

14) Mark the correct alternative for this sentence:
________ elephant is _______ biggest animal in ________Africa.
a) The – the – …
b) That – a – …
c) This – the – ...
d) A – a – the
e) A – an – a

15) They decided to build two _______ in the city ( church)
a) churches
b) church
c) churchs
16) The Man who tried to rab jake had three ______ when the police a arrived ( Knife)
a) knifes
b) Knives
c) knife
17) They suspected their _______ were following them after work( wife)

c) wives
18) Do you think the _____ will like this santa claus ? Are you sure?( children)
a) childrens
b) childs
c) children
19) What do you hope the _______  are going to do about it ? ( manager)
a) manager
b) manageres
c) manager
20) I asked her to wash the ____  right away ( dish)
a) Dishs
b) Dishes
c) dish
21 ) She said : I hate ____!( mosquito)
a)      Mosquito
b)      Mosquitões
c)       Mosquitous
22) I don´t like the noise _____ make ( cell phone )
a) cell phones
b) cell phones
c) cells phone
23) Why don´t you drop by the supermarket and buy some _____ ? ( apple)
a) apples
b) apple
c) applees

24) There a lot of ________ in São Paulo ( disco)
a) discoes
c) disco
25) Write the number
eighteen  ……………….twelve………………fourteen………………. twenty………………. 
thirty-one………………. forty-six……………  fifty-eight………………. sixty-seven……………….  

26) Escreva os números abaixo por extenso em Inglês:
a) 12________________________
b) 8________________________
c) 9__________________________ 
d) 2_________________________
e) 3_________________________
f) 6___________________________ 
g) 15_______________________

27) What’s the next number?
a. three, six, nine, _________________________
b. nineteen, sixteen, thirteen, _______________________
c. five, seven, nine, ___________________________
d. one, three, six, ten, _____________________

28) what´s your name ?
29) Complete as frases a seguir com o tempo adequado do verbo to be.
 I – Today _______________ Saturday. II – Yesterday _____________ Friday.
a) is – were.          b) are – is.        c) were – is.            d) is – was.
30) Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja sendo usado corretamente o verbo there to be no passado.
a) There were a great show downtown last week.
 b) There was only twelve students here yesterday.
c) There were a good film on TV last night.
d) There were many children in the kitchen.

CentroEducacional  Gênesis
          9º ANO








1)      Adjir lost his parents during a war , When He was only thirteen. Complete the text using the verbs in parentheses in the past , present or future, and learn more about him.
Ending Wars
Adjir is a youth Who ____________( lose)  his parents when He _________( be) 13 Years Old.
Following na attack by Rebel armies, Adjir ___________(be) enlisted by force. He really ____________( not have) a choice . However, after spend time with all the others rebels, Adjir _____________( become) convinced that it __________(be) the fault of the existing government that his parents and his brother ______________(be) dead. Two Months ago, the group of child soldiers that He ___________( belong) to was captured . At first Adjir was outraged, but He ______________(Begin) to see life from a completely different angle. He _________(leave) the transit camp where He ______________( receive) psychological support to help him demobilize and reintegrate to the community. Tomorrow He Will ___________ (start) a training program that Will____________( equip) him for a job.
With a half-smile, He _____________ (tell) everyone Who _______________( speak ) to him that his parents and his brother ___________________(live) on in the reconstruction of his country.
2)      Look at these sentences and Number I for PAST and II for Present.
a)      (   ) The Declaration protects children´s rights
b)      (   ) He Learned to be responsible and helpful
c)       (   ) The street child didn´t have food or medical services.
d)      (   ) She wants to Know more about children´s rights
e)      (   ) Why did they live on the street?
f)       (   ) They hope for a better future.
g)      (   ) The Governmet tried to help them.
h)      (   ) Do the Children feel safe on the streets?
i)        (   ) The boy doesn´t have a family.
j)        (   ) Did you help other people?
3)      Underline the Verbs in each sentence and write past, present,or future. Follow the example
a)      Children are one third of our population.________________________________
b)      In 2007, over 101 milion children did not go to scholl.______________________
c)       There are still around 400 thousand children under one year of age without birth registration. Those Children live in the rural áreas of the North and Northeast Regions.
d)      The infant mortality rate in Brazil drooped by almost half between 1990 and 2007.
e)      By 2015, Children everywhere Will be able to complete primary school.

4)      Check ( X) the correct answer to fill in the gaps.
a)      He _____________ English because He wants to be na airline pilot.
(   ) study                     (   ) studies                            (   ) studied
b)      _____________ you care about the future o four children?
(   ) Are                         (   ) Does                      (   ) Do
c)       She needs some help. She ____________ have Money to buy her childrren new clothes .
(   ) doesn´t                 (   ) don´t                     (   ) Isn´t
d)      ______________ you see the game last night .
(   ) Do                          (   ) Will                        (   ) Did
e)      I ______________ buy another CD. I´ll give the Money to charity.
(   ) don´t                     (   ) do                           (   ) Won´t
f)       ______________ you go to the beach next january ?
5)      Make questions in the simple present, simple past  and simple future ( with will) using the words given.
a)      ( you – pay- the bills)
b)      ( She – drink – soda )
c)        ( they- buy – Milk)
d)      ( you- meet friends)

6)  Conjugue as frases em simple present corretamente conforme você aprendeu nas lições.
a) Andrew                       in Sao Paulo, Brazil. ( to live )
b) Jennifer and I                   up early on Saturdays.  ( to get )
c) We                         in good luck and bad luck.  ( to believe )
d) I                   a blue dress every Sunday.  ( to wear )
e) He                      soccer every Saturday with friends.  ( to play )
f) Julio                       his father at work.  ( to help )
g) Sarah                      the dish after work.     ( to wash )
h) Lisa                         English at School  ( to study )
i) She always                           downtown with her friends. ( to go 

6)      Leia o texto abaixo.
 My name is Kevin McRoy. I am a famous manager of rock stars. I work with fantastic superstars! I work a lot. I always get up at six o'clock. Then, I exercise for two hours.  After that I have breakfast and get ready for work. I take my wife to her computer school and than I go to my studio. My workday begins at nine. At my studio I speak to famous stars and theater managers and I write many letters. My long workday generally finishes at eight. Sometimes I have dinner with my wife at a nice restaurant near the studio. I usually get home at ten, but I never go to bed before midnight
7)       Reescreva as frases abaixo, colocando na terceira pessoa do singular, conforme o exemplo dado:
 Model)  I am a famous manager of rock stars.                   
He is a famous manager of rock stars            
 a)    I work a lot. _________________________________________.
 b)         I exercise for two hours. _________________________________________.
c)         My workday begins at nine. _________________________________________. d)         My long workday generally finishes at eight. _______________________________

8)  Complete as frases abaixo usando o presente simples.
 A. Mariana___________(to watch) TV on Sundays.
B._________Pedro___________soccer on Saturdays? (to play)
C._________your brothers_________Spanish? (to speak)
D. We__________(to do) our exercises in the morning.
E. Isabella____________(to go) to school in the afternoon.
 F. Good kids _______ (to brush) their teeth and _____ (to wash) their hands.
G. Sally ___________ (to play) cards every day.
H. Wars ___________ (to destroy) cities and lives.
I.  Ms. Kate often ____________ (to drink) milk.
J. Men ________ (to like) football.
09)  Combine as colunas, encontrando o complemento adequado a cada verbo:
1  .  I read                                                        (  ) a coke at lunch time.
2  .  She always drinks                                   (  ) his studio.
3  .  We walk                                                   (  ) a good book every week.
 4  .  Aline eats                                                 (  ) in the park every Friday.                               
 5  .  Mary gets up                                            (  ) hamburger on Saturdays.
 6  .  I work with                                                 (  ) in an apartment .
 7  .  We sit down                                             (  ) mother wash the dishes after lunch.
8  .  Eduardo lives                                           (  ) in front of the TV every afternoon.
 9  .  Kevin goes to                                           (  ) early to study every day.                              
10.  My brother helps my                                (  ) my father

10)      Combine as colunas, encontrando o complemento adequado a cada verbo.
  1. read                          (   )  a coke
 2. drink                        (   )  early or late  
3. walk                         (   )  in the park
 4. eat                            (   )  a good book  
5. get up                       (   )  to school
 6. meet                         (   )  to Orlando
 7. go                             (   ) television
  8. travel                        (   )  some new friends  
9. watch                       (   )  a hamburger
10. have                        (   ) a pet                         

11) . Conjugue os verbos abaixo . .
 I watch.     She.......................... .
 We study.   He........................... .
They walk. Mariana................... .
 I have.        Samuel…………… .
We have.    Allan……………… .

12)   Use Do ou DOES adequadamente.
 . .....................Paula and you play soccer on Sundays? .
What.....................that cat eat? .
 Where.....................Marianne usually go on Saturday nights? .
Josephine......................not study on the weekends. .
What time.....................you usually go to sleep? .
How many books...................Cristine and you have? .

  13)  Dê as formas negativa ,interrogativa e interrogativa negativa das frases:
Raphael has a pet.   .
N:              .................................................................................
  .I:                .................................................................................   .
IN:             .................................................................................
 Eugênio plays soccer every day.   .
N:              .................................................................................                                                              .I:  .................................................................................
  .IN:  .................................................................................
14)          Leia o texto abaixo.
 A day In the life of a Brazilian student    My day starts very early. I get up at six o'clock in the morning. I have breakfast at half past six . After breakfast , I go to school but I don't take a bus. I walk to school,  because we live near it. I start school at seven o'clock. I stay there until noon.  After school, I go home and I have lunch. After lunch I study and I do my homework. At five o'clock I take a shower. At seven o'clock all my family is at home and we have dinner together. We talk about our day . After dinner , we watch TV or listen to good music. I don't go to bed very late. I go to bed before ten o'clock.
15)- Reescreva o texto acima colocando o sujeito do mesmo na terceira pessoa   do singular. Her day starts very early. She_______________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
        Answer the questions:
16) What time does she have breakfast? _______________________________________________________
17) How does she go to school? Why? _______________________________________________________
18)What does she do after lunch? _______________________________________________________
 19) What time does she have dinner? _______________________________________________________
 20)What time does she go to the bed? _______________________________________________________

21) Interprete o texto
 Steve and Stella Baker live in California. They’ve got two small children, and they are an average American family, except for one thing: she goes to work, he stays at home and looks after the children. Our reporter spoke to Steve and Stella at their home in San Diego: “My wife has a very good job. She’s an electronics engineer, and she works for the US Navy here. So she works, and I stay at home and look after the children.” Jim Macartney is a helicopter pilot. He’s British, but he lives and works in Africa. “I work for the hospital here. I take a doctor and two nurses in my helicopter to the jungle. There are no roads in the jungle . only rivers. People go by helicopter or by boat, or they walk.” Mrs. Betty Brown is sixty-two. She’s a housewife, and a grandmother and a student! Mrs. Brown lives in Oxford, England, and goes to the University there. She studies Japanese, and she is the first in her class. We asked Mrs. Brown how she learns Japanese. “My son lives in Japan, he teaches English in Tokyo and sends me Japanese magazines and newspapers, videos of Japanese TV programmes and cassettes of Japanese radio programmes.”  
22) - According to the text, chose the correct alternative:
a) Stella and Steve have two big children.
 b) Stella Baker is sixty-two.
 c) Steve looks after his wife.
d) Mrs. Brown’s son teaches English.
 e) Steve works in an office.
 24) According to the text, choose the alternative that correctly describes the people’s occupations:
a) Mrs. Brown is a nurse.
b) Stella is an electronic engineer.
c) Jim is a teacher.
 d) Steve is a doctor.
 e) Steve is a pilot.

25) - According to the text, choose the alternatives which contain a correct answer for the question: Where do they live?
a) Mrs. Brown lives in Japan.
 b) Jim lives in England.
 c) Steve lives in Oxford.
d) Mrs. Brown’s son lives in Japan.
e) Stella lives in Africa.

26) Escolha a alternativa que melhor completa a questão: Listen, Julia! The telephone is ringing. Go __________it. Please, write your name under the topic for the lecture you want to ___________ . a. attend / attend b. answer / hear c. answer / attend d. attend / see e. pick / participate

27) Forme uma frase no past

28) Forme uma frase no present

29) Forme uma Frase no Futuro with Will

30) Do you have good mannes ?

CentroEducacional  Gênesis
          8º ANO




   Exercícios de Revisão




1)      Do You Know how the Internet was Invented? Read this text and find out more.

The Internet was originally set up in 1973 by the U.S. Departmente of defense as a way to link up the computers of its staff and facilities.
Scientists and researchers began to link up with the Net, and as the use of personal computers boomed in the early 1990s, private individuals and businesses began to use it as a quick, inexpensive means of communication.
One Particular Internet function, the world Wide Web, hás been the foundation of much of the Internet´s rapid growth.

2)      Find and circle in the text above all verbs in the simple Past tense.
3)      Complete this table about the invention of the Internet with information from the text.

When ?




4)      Unscramble the words to make questions .

a)      did – where – Camila – yesterday – go ?
b)      how – She – did- go – the – to – hospital ?
c)       with – did – who – she – go ?
d)      she – did – wear – what ?
e)      to – did – why – go – she – hospital – the ?
f)       a – she – did – have – boy – girl – or – a ?

5)      Form one sentence in the Simple Past ?
6)      Form one sentence in the simple present ?

7)      Form one sentence in the future ?


8)      Look at these sentences and Number I for PAST and II for Present.
a)      (   ) The Declaration protects children´s rights
b)      (   ) He Learned to be responsible and helpful
c)       (   ) The street child didn´t have food or medical services.
d)      (   ) She wants to Know more about children´s rights
e)      (   ) Why did they live on the street?
f)       (   ) They hope for a better future.
g)      (   ) The Governmet tried to help them.
h)      (   ) Do the Children feel safe on the streets?
i)        (   ) The boy doesn´t have a family.
j)        (   ) Did you help other people?
9)      Write the Verbs from the boxes in the correct place.



Base Form
Base Form












10) Complete the sentences putting the verb in the parentheses in the past continuous.
a) I _________________a very pleasant book last night. (to read)
b) He _________________ TV when his mother arrived. (to watch)
c) My father and my little brother ______________________ soccer yesterday. (to play)
d) My mother ___________________lunch with her friends last week. (to have)
e) They _____________________hard in their College project. (to work)
11) Pass the sentences of the exercises number 1 to the negative form.
a) I _________________a very pleasant book last night. (to read)
b) He _________________ TV when his mother arrived. (to watch)
c) My father and my little brother ______________________ soccer yesterday. (to play)
d) My mother ___________________lunch with her friends last week. (to have)
e) They _____________________hard in their College project. (to work)
12) Which alternative show the correct structure of the past continuous:
a) verb to be (present) + main verb + ing
b) verb to be (past) + to + main verb
c) verb to be (past) + main verb + ing
d) verb to be (present) + to + ing
e) verb to be (past) + ing

13) (UFRR) Complete the dialogue by choosing the right option:
A: Where did you_______yesterday?
B: Well, I_______downtown.
A: What did you_______there?
B: I_______shopping. Actually, I________some food in the supermarket and I_______to take my husband's shoes to the shoemaker.
A: Oh, Did you________Fred there?
B: Yes, I________him. He_______about you.
A: So, what did you______?
B: I______you_______fine.
A: Thanks.
a) go - went - do - went - buy - had - see - saw - asked - say - said - were
b) go - went - do - went - bought - had - see - saw - asked - say - said - were
c) go - went - did - went - buy - had - see - saw - asked - say - said - were
d) went - go - did - go - buy - have - saw - saw - ask - say - said - were
e) went - went - do - go - buy - had - saw - see - asked - said - say - was
14) Segundo o estudo sobre “Past continuous”, qual das alternativas a seguir está nesse tempo verbal da língua inglesa?
a) She was think his all day long.
b) I'm studying for maths this morning.
c) Maysa was playing video game when I left.
d) We all were very confuse with this mess.
e) My mother was cook some bread.

15) Complete as alternativas abaixo passando o verbo em parênteses para o “Past continuous”:
a) I _________________a very pleasant book last night. (to read)
b) He _________________ TV when his mother arrived. (to watch)
c) My father and my little brother ______________________ soccer yesterday. (to play)
d) My mother ___________________lunch with her friends last week. (to have)
e) They _____________________hard in their College project. (to work)

16) Complete as interrogações abaixo usando o “Past Continuous”:
a) _______Rachel _____________ a new book? (read)
b)________they___________together yesterday? (work)
c)________he___________ to music? (listen)
d)________you _________street dance? (do)
e)________she __________her sister with her homework? (help)

17) Complete the sentences.
Use the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets
Parte superior do formulário
A)     Who is the      (tall) person in your family?score
B)      My mum is the   (good) cook in the world.score
C)      December is the(cold) month of the year in my country.score
D)     What's the(dangerous) animal in the world?score
E)      Ethan is the (happy) boy that I know.score
F)      Where are the(nice) beaches in your country?score
G)     She bought the(big) cake in the shop.score
H)     Who is the(famous) singer in your country?

18) Escolha verdadeiro(true) ou falso(false):

 O passado de "hit" é "hitted".(...)
 O passado de "make" é "made".(...)
 "Move" é verbo regular.(...)
 "Talk" é verbo irregular.(...)
. Todo verbo pode ser irregular.(...)           

19) Yesterday my friend Sally and I  (go) to the supermarket to buy food. We  (find) everything we  (want), except my favorite cookies. 
John usually goes to school by bus, but yesterday he 
 (walk) because it  (be) a beautiful day.
When Mary and Jake 
 (arrive) at the party, they  (look) for Mike but couldn't find him.
 (see) Star Wars last week. I  (like) it a lot, but my friends didn't.
My TV 
 (be) broken last week, so I  (read) all my magazines in my free time.
 (make) three delicious dishes for lunch last Saturday. We  (eat) all the food - there was nothing left.
Tony and Tim 
 (play) basketball as children. Tim also  (study) French and piano. 
 (lose) my wallet yesterday, but thankfully a girl from my school  (find) it and  (give) me a call.
When Monica and Sandra 
 (be) children, they  (have) three dogs and a bird. They  (live) in a farm, so the dogs 

20)  We...the information on the magazine's website. (Find)
A. Finded
B. Found
C. Founded

21) She didn't...the man from going into the store. (Stop)
A. Stopped
B. Stop
C. Stoped

22)Did you...calling him this week? (Feel like)
A. Felt like
B. Feel like
C. Feel liked

23) She...a few mistakes but, even so, she won the game. (Make)
A. Makes
B. Maked
C. Made

24) Serra was...by Fernando Henrique and Dilma was...by Lula. (Appoint)
A. Appointed
B. Appoint
C. Appointied

25) Reescrevam as frases a seguir usando a forma correta do 'passado simples'.

1. I didn't talked to her because she avoid me at the last meeting.

2. Where did you got this money?

3. She call me yesterday and said she's doing all right.

C. Passe as sentenças abaixo para o inglês.

1. Eu não sabia o que tinha acontecido ontem.

2. Você pediu para ela vir aqui?

26) Traduza a frase para o português: "They didn't care about it because it didn't give them an advantage."

27)What´s your nam e ?

28)  Leiam o texto a seguir.

Mary is a nice woman. She is a nurse and works in a big hospital. She works at night on weekends. Mary has two young children and they are very intelligent. Their names are "Jack" and "Julie". Jack is nine years old and Julie is eleven years old. Jack likes soccer and Julie loves movies. Jack wants to be a soccer player and Julie wants to be a movie star.

Mary likes to be with her children when she isn't working - they play board games together. Mary's family is very happy, especially when Jake, Mary's husband, is at home with them. Jake usually travels a lot and visits different places - he is a truck driver.

  • Board games: jogos de tabuleiro

29 )  Answer the questions - respondam as perguntas

A. What does Mary do?

B. Where does she work?

C. Is Mary married or single?

D. How many children does she have?

30)  Traduzam as sentenças a seguir para o português.

A. Mary likes to be with her children when she isn't working.

B. They play board games together.

C. He is a truck driver.

D. Jack wants to be a soccer player and Julie wants to be a movie star.

CentroEducacional  Gênesis
          7º ANO








1)    Check ( x) and Write the correct pronoun to complete the text.
a)    ____________ have many good e-pals
(   ) I          (   ) me
b)    ____________ Love _________ all.
(  ) I           (   ) me
              (   ) they    (   ) them
c)    Sandra is one of my Best friends. Last Summer , __________ came to visit ___________.
(   ) She    (    ) Her
(    ) I        (    ) me
d)    _____________ had a very good time.
(   ) We     (   ) Us
e)    ____________ gave ___________ a beautiful necklace and ___________ liked _____________ very much .
(   ) I      (   ) me 
(   ) she (   ) her
(   ) she (   ) her
(   ) it     (   ) her
f)    ________________ hope _____________ comes back on her next vacation.
(   ) I       (   ) me
(   ) she (   ) her

2)    Read the Text .

The Internet was originally set up in 1973 by the U.S. Departmente of defense as a way to link up the computers of its staff and facilities.
Scientists and researchers began to link up with the Net, and as the use of personal computers boomed in the early 1990s, private individuals and businesses began to use it as a quick, inexpensive means of communication.
One Particular Internet function, the world Wide Web, hás been the foundation of much of the Internet´s rapid growth.

3)    Find and circle in the text above all verbs and Write .

4)    Complete this table about the invention of the Internet with information from the text.

When ?




5)    What are they wearing ?  Put the sentence correct ( subject + verb to be + verb usar no present continuous )

a)    http://camisariacolombov2.vteximg.com.br/arquivos/ids/318316-1000-1000/10011850001_1.jpg__________________________________________________ 
b)    http://www.pksgirl.com.br/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ecloset.jpg________________________________________________

6)    Put the Verbs in the Present Continuous
a)    Walk  __________________________
b)    Think __________________________
c)    Eat ____________________________
d)    Play ___________________________
e)    Dance _________________________
f)    Wear _________________________
7)    Complete with the correct object Pronoun is used .







8)    vComplete the bank spaces with the right conjugation of the Simple Present Tense. Follow the example:
Example: Anne    loves    the Jane Austin's work. (love)
a) Cayo ________________to the College tonight. (go)
b) My parents _______________ Italian and French classes on Thurdays every week. (have)
c) Louise ____________________at the Brad's Office. (work)
d) I ___________________ bread with nuts jelly every morning. (eat)
e) The plain _______________ at 08:00 in the city. (arrive)
9)  Unscramble the words and make questions in a Simple Present sentence. Look at the example:
Whom do you want to meet?
a) WANT – YOU – WHY – TO – HERE – BE

10) Now turn the sentences below into negative form:
a) Why do you want to be here?
b) What's your favourite kind of movie?
c) Do you like your mother?
d) Does he live alone?
e) Does she like you?
11) Choose the correct answer:
  1. My dog  have /has a long tail.
  2. The coffee have/has milk in it.
  3. They have/has the correct answer.
  4. The flag of Israel have/has a star on it.
  5. I never have/has a clean room.
  6. The house have /has a lot of furniture.
  7. The water have/has a bad taste.
12) Fill in the blanks withhave / has 
1.    We ___________ beautiful flowers in our garden.
2.    Jane __________five new English books.
3.    I ___________ an expensive sport car.
4.    They _________a big villa not far from the beach .
5.    My sister ________a lot of dolls in her room.

 Choose the correct PRESENT TENSE form of the verb TO HAVE for each sentence:

13) My sisters all _________ boyfriends.

14)  The teacher ________ a yellow shirt. 

15) My brother ________ a great job. 

16)  Does he ________ a dog?

17)  They don't ________ a lot of money.

18) My cousin and his wife ________ three children.

19)  Does your friend ________ a sister?

20)  Yes, my friend ________ a sister.

21) My neighbor ________ a mailbox. 

22)  They ________ time to play with us.
23) Puts the parts of body in correct place.
24)  The boy was sick.

A. Sadio
B. Doente
C. Triste

25) This isn't a health problem.

A. Problema de saúde
B. Problema mental
C. Dificuldade
26) Complete the days of week
a) January
b) ______________
d) April
e) _______________
27) Por que em sua opinião as pessoas fazem uso impróprio de bebidas alcoólicas?

28) Que outros vícios prejudicam a saúde de uma pessoa ? De que forma?

29) Monte uma frase no simple presente forma afirmativa .

30) Monte uma frase no simple presente forma interrogativa .

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